Wednesday, September 4, 2019

11 Early Signs Of Diabetes That You Need To Know

In 2000, WHO estimated that more than 171 million people in the world are diabetic , and worse, by 2030 they will be at least 370 million. An extraordinarily high figure.

Poor nutrition and the growing rate of obesity, as well as aging and natural wear and tear on the body, seem to be the culprits.

There are different types of diabetes, but they all have problems maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. It is then that the body begins to resent and release some warning signs that can make us suspect this disease.

1. Urinating too often
According to the data, people urinate an average of four to seven times a day depending on the amount of liquid and sport we do. Unable to assimilate glucose, people with diabetes expel it through the urinary system, which increases the frequency of urination.

2. Terrible thirst
The consequence of a higher frequency of urine is a terrible thirst  since our body needs to replenish the fluids it loses.

3. Fatigue
Insulin transforms blood glucose into the energy needed to develop our vital processes. However, with the reduction in blood insulin presented by patients with diabetes, the body does not get the strength it needs and gets tired.

4. Hunger
Aware that it needs energy, our brain sends a hunger signal , ironically for products rich in carbohydrates and sugars, which causes a vicious circle.

5. Blurred vision
We have already seen that the excess metabolized blood glucose is expelled in the urine, however, if left untreated, it can affect other organs.

Thus, the composition of the vitreous humor of our eyes changes when you suffer from diabetes, which can create blurred vision, damage to the retina and even permanent blindness.

6. Slow wound healing
Glucose decreases the amount of oxygen that the blood carries, which can cause tissue damage. For this reason, wounds, cuts, scratches and bruises will take longer to heal.

7. Tingling, pain and limb numbness
Not only healing problems, the decrease in oxygen also causes numbness in the hands and feet. An unpleasant sensation that may be accompanied by pain and burning.

8. Dark spots on the skin in contact areas.
High glucose levels can cause skin cells to reproduce and detach more quickly, creating dark spots on skin folds such as the neck and armpits.

9. Sensitive and inflamed gums
Because patients with diabetes have difficulty fighting wounds and infections, they are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease, with inflammation and bleeding gums.

10. Fungal infection
Chaining several cases of yeast and fungal infection, in one or several parts of our body, is an indicator that we can suffer from some type of diabetes.

11. Weight loss
Diabetes is a disease related, in many cases but not all, with obesity. Many patients receive spontaneous weight loss as a blessing, but if your eating habits have not changed, they should not be taken lightly.

Blood glucose and the increased frequency of urination can cause us to lose extra calories, but in the end it is a reflection of a medical and nutritional problem.


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