Sunday, September 1, 2019

14 Habits That Make You Gain Weight

Are you one of those who struggle to lose weight, or lose weight and shortly thereafter come back up? It is likely that there are some bad habits in your life that do not reveal the positive consequences of your efforts. For example, did you know that getting distracted while eating causes you to eat more food and therefore eat more calories? Or did you know that the size of your plate influences the amount of food you eat? Keep reading and know some of the habits you can modify to reach your goal.

  1. Not knowing how many calories you consume. Although many factors can be attributed to weight gain, the main one is to consume more energy than is spent. Do you know how many calories you consume per day? For a person with moderate physical activity, the recommended is 2000 kcal. Try to keep a count and check the food you buy so you know its nutritional value.
  2. Eat in giant dishes. When it comes to dishes, size matters a lot. If your plate looks full, you will be less likely to feel that you have not eaten enough. Try to use small plates so that at the same time you reduce your portions.
  3. Go to the supermarket without a list. When you create a list, you are aware of what you need and do not need to lose weight and it is harder to fall into temptation. Create a list and stick to it to avoid buying the typical cravings of the moment.
  4. Not having a meal plan. Follow a healthy eating plan: Three large meals with two snacks, six small meals or whatever suits you according to your pace of life. Try to prepare them a day before so you have no excuses and do not eat anything during the day.
  5. Eat out often. When going to restaurants (especially fast food) it is common to consume a greater amount of food or with higher caloric properties. Try to cook at home when you have a chance. Prepare your food a day before to be able to follow your regimen on school or work days.
  6. Distract yourself while eating. Social networks, media or entertainment can cause you to eat more food than you need if you don't pay attention to what you eat. Try that your goal is to enjoy your food: turn off your cell phone, focus on what you eat, chew carefully and enjoy your meal!
  7. Do not weigh yourself regularly. Weighing yourself regularly can help you lose weight, because you will keep in mind your goal and what you need to accomplish it. Do not let it affect your commitment or self-esteem, but take it as a motivation to move forward. Remember that it is normal to have weight fluctuations.
  8. Consume liquid calories. Hydrate with natural water whenever you can. Forget juices, sweetened drinks or soft drinks and include this vital liquid in your diet. Try to remove creamy coffee with caramel or whipped cream from your diet, as well as teas with too much sugar.
  9. Eat during the night. Eating too late at night can affect your digestion. Forget that madness of eating at night and try to consume your last food at least two hours before bedtime. If you can't sleep, don't try to solve it with food, you better read a book or listen to music.
  10. Perfect eating syndrome You do not need to adhere to a strict diet by eliminating so many foods from your life, as you could eventually succumb and feel guilty. Better try to include in your diet all food groups in the right portions.
  11. Eat your emotions. Are you bored, stressed or sad and all you think about is eating? Be aware of your food, and eat only when you are really hungry. Try a glass of water every time you want to eat a snack at will.
  12. Consume too much sugar. Eliminate that habit of eating something sugary in all your snacks. When you have a craving for some sweet food, why not opt ​​for fruit?
  13. Do not sleep as necessary. If you don't get enough sleep, the balance of the hormones that make you hungry is affected, and you may feel more hungry during the day. Try to sleep the hours that your body needs for a real break (from six to eight daily), and make a time when you fall asleep and wake up at the same time for your body to get used to.
  14. Not having time to exercise. If 20 or 30 minutes seems very complicated, you can find simple ways to exercise during the day: go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or take a moment of your meal time to walk. Any amount of exercise is always better than being sedentary.
Although we take care of ourselves, sometimes we do things we don't know that can affect us. Try to change those little habits to have a much healthier life.


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