What is toenail fungus? It is a problem that happens to the toenails when the fungus develops under our nails and thickens them. Gradually the nails will change their color and come with pain. The symptoms of toenail fungus can include foul smell too and in that case, it will lead to embarrassment to sufferers.
The main cause for toenail fungus is obviously the development of fungus. This may result from poor foot hygiene and the changes in moisture. If your feet are exposed to moist environment, you will be likely to be infected. Besides, the use of unbreathable synthetic socks is responsible. Another popular cause is the weak immune system that creates an easier opportunity for the fungus to grow.
With our system of medication nowadays, toenail fungus can be treated in various ways, from medication to surgery, or even laser treatment. However, these ways do not guarantee that you will not experience side effects. They may weaken the conditions of your toenails, which hardly prevents the afterward infection. That’s why more and more people are turning to natural home remedies for toenail fungus. These remedies are only recommendatory; you should combine them with advice from doctors in order to find the best solution for your problem.
Here are top 15 home remedies for toenail fungus to help you get rid of its symptoms.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
When the pH level in your toenails is imbalanced, toenail fungus will find its way to appear. It means that to get rid of toenail fungus means to restore the balance of pH level. And apple cider vinegar can meet that need perfectly. Its ability to balance the pH level of the body has been recognized by scientists all around the world, namely, Dr. Josh Axe from the Exodus Health Center. Besides, the strong anti-fungal of apple cider vinegar makes it become one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus.
- Dilute apple cider vinegar in water first.
- Put your toenails into the mixture for at least 30 minutes per day.
- Use a soft and clean towel to dry your feet after that.
- With this remedy, the toenail fungus symptoms will disappear after about 1 week.
2. Baking Soda
If you notice foul smell from your toenail, it means that your condition is very severe. But do not worry. Now you can still reverse the situation and get rid of toenail fungus symptoms, such as foul smell, by using baking soda – one of the most effective home remedies for toenail fungus.
Prepare ½ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide and ½ cup of salt.
Add them into hot water and mix them properly.
Put your toenail into the mixture in at least 10 minutes.
Then, use clean water to wash your feet and leave them dry naturally.
3. Garlic
The anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory of garlic makes it stand out in the treatment for almost all infection problems. In this circumstance, garlic can stop the growth and expansion of fungus to other parts of the body. It will eliminate the fungus accumulated in the toenails soon and even ease the pain caused by this problem.
- Take some cloves of garlic and crush them.
- Add some white vinegar.
- Put your toenails into the mixture for 10 minutes every day.
4. Tea Tree Oil
A large number of natural essential oils are home remedies for toenail fungus, indeed. Tea tree oil is a typical example. With antiseptic qualities, it is perfect to help you get rid of toenail fungus fast. The use of tea tree oil in the treatment for toenail fungus was even supported by Dr. Andrew Weil from University of Arizona. A disadvantage of this remedy is that you have to be quite patient to wait for improvements.
- Prepare one spoon of each: tea tree oil and olive oil.
- Mix them together.
- A cotton ball should be used to soak into the mixture and put over the areas affected by toenail fungus.
- You should repeat this method several times per day.
5. Coconut Oil
In addition to the fresh smell, coconut oil can assist the body in fighting against the bacterial and fungi effectively. Coconut oil can eradicate the dead cells and improve the growth of new nails at the same time. Caprylic acid, which is present in coconut oil, can destroy the fungus cells.
- Apply coconut oil over your hands.
- Use your hands to massage the nails infected by toenail fungus for several minutes.
6. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil was tested by Georgetown University Medical Center and it is proved to eradicate no less than 30 kinds of bad bacteria, one of which leads to toenail fungus.
- Prepare oregano oil and olive oil. Two spoons of each.
- Mix them together and add some water.
- Put your toenails into it in 30 minutes.
- Use clean water to wash your toenails.
7. Lemon Juice
Lemon is strongly acidic and it will stop the growth of fungi very quickly. Lemon can also relieve the pain caused by toenail fungus and improve the smell of your nails.
- Crush a lemon to take the juice and apply it directly over the nails affected by the fungus.
- Alternatively, you can combine lemon juice and olive oil to get rid of toenail fungus symptoms faster.
8. Epsom Salt
It is absolutely one of the simplest home remedies for toenail fungus, as it is very cheap and easy to find. Germs can be killed effectively and the fungus will be halted not to expand. Simply mix some spoons of epsom salt with water and put your nails into the mixture for several minutes every day.
9. Cornmeal
The symptoms of toenail fungus can be removed if you use cornmeal.
- Put some spoons of cornmeal into water.
- After at least one hour, put your feet into it.
10. Orange Oil
Although orange oil can be considered as one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus, some people may be allergic to it. Therefore, before using it on a large scale, you should try in a small skin area. Do it in the same way as other natural essential oils.
11. Lavender Oil
Like other natural oils, lavender oil can help you get rid of toenail fungus symptoms effectively. It even removes the foul smell.
- Prepare lavender oil and tea tree oil in the same amount.
- A cotton ball should be soaked in the mixture and put over the nails affected by the fungus.
- Use a gauze to cover the cotton ball and leave it overnight.
12. White Vinegar
When soaking your nails into white vinegar, you will put an end to the bacteria and fungi that are living and causing toenail fungus. In addition, the pH level can be restored.
- You can mix white vinegar and warm water with the ratio 1:2.
- Put your nail into the mixture for at least 10 minutes.
13. Olive Leaf Extract
With antioxidant and antibiotic quality, olive leaf can be regarded as one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus. You can use the extract of olive leaf directly over the infected areas.
14. Wear Synthetic Socks
While poor hygiene is mainly responsible for toenail fungus, the habit of wearing unbreathable socks will increase the moisture in the nails, which creates a favor environment for the bacteria and fungi. Therefore, you should start using synthetic socks so that the moisture is not concentrated.
15. Manuka Oil
Manuka oil is not as popular as other natural oils, but it is also very effective to help you get rid of toenail fungus symptoms. You can apply it immediately over the infected areas and cover these areas with a bandage.