Thursday, February 7, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Toenails

Foot is an important part of our body because it takes responsibility of supporting our whole body. And among many phenomena related to foot, yellow toenail seems to be the most common.  Yellow toenail is a nightmare for not only women but also men and it can cause us to feel embarrassed easily. The main factor leading to yellow toenails is said to be nail polish which consists of pigments responsible for darkening nails shade easily. Moreover, your toenail’s color can also influenced much by the attack of fungal infection or your habit of smoking.

To treat yellow toenails, people often spend much money on medical measure. However, nature has offered people thousands of effective home remedies to treat yellow toenails without tons of time, money as well as energy.

1. Lemon
Lemon is certainly so rich in vitamin C, moreover, it contains a large amount of bleaching properties. Therefore, this kind of fruit is a wonderful treatment to remove yellow toenails perfectly.

  • Extract lemon juice
  • Allow your affected toenail to soak into it
  • Wait for 15-20 minutes
  • Scrub your toenail gently with a toothbrush
  • Use clean water to wash off your foot
  • Take a small amount of moisturizer and apply into your toenail
  • Repeat the process 2-3 times a day

2. Baking soda
Another perfect home remedy for yellow toenails is baking soda. Stains blamed for your imperfect toenail’s color will be eliminated gradually thanks to bleaching as well as exfoliating qualities found in baking soda.

  • Get a mixture of baking soda and 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2,5:1 ratio
  • Soak a cotton ball into the mixture
  • Apply it directly to your yellow toenail
  • Wait for 3-4 hours
  • Rinse off with cool water
  • Do like this regularly until you see better outcome

3. Tea tree oil
When your toenails are attacked strongly by fungus infection, you are advised to make use of tea tree oil to prevent this trouble. Facts have shown that the antiseptic and antimicrobial elements in tea tree oil can treat the infection well and recover your toenail’s color well.

  • Let a eye dropper contain tea tree oil
  • Have some drops of it apply into infected toenail
  • Leave it on 3-4 minutes
  • Follow this recipe several times and you will see further improvement

4. Listerine
People usually use Listerine to release bad breath without knowing that this liquid can also treat yellow toenails well. In fact, the combination of menthol and methyl salicylate substances in Listerine is so beneficial for the fight against yellow toenails efficiently.

  • Take out 2 equal parts of Listerine and vinegar
  • Mix them together
  • Dip your affected toenail into the mixture
  • Repeat the process as your daily habit

5. Orange Peel
It is undeniable that orange gains much love from all of us. Not only does it have passionate taste but it also helps to remove yellow toenails. More importantly, it is vitamin C included in orange peel that can remove imperfect state of yellow toenails. Therefore, you can enjoy eating oranges and make use of their peel to say goodbye annoying symptoms caused by this trouble.

  • Have 2-3 spoons of dried orange peel powder
  • Mix them with a small cup of water to make a perfect paste
  • Use the paste to apply directly into your affected toenails
  • Leave it on 10-15 minutes
  • Let a toothbrush remove the leftover
  • Clean your toenails with clean water
  • Follow the recipe 2-3 times a day

6. Juniper Berries
In the fight against yellow toenails, people can rely on a very popular ingredient – juniper berries. This natural home remedy has great power in eliminating fungal infection responsible for yellow toenails. Therefore, once using juniper berries, people will no longer be threatened by this ugly phenomenon.

  • Crush juniper berries into small pieces
  • Place them into a glass of warm water
  • Use cool water to clean
  • Allow some moisturizer to apply your toenail

7. Whitening Toothpaste
This home remedy is always available in your house, which is so convenient for the process of removing hateful yellow toenails. Thanks to the very whitening qualities, it can lighten the color of your toenail and encourage you to feel much more confident.


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