Home Remedy For Acid Reflux
Pay Close Attention to Your Diet—Foods and drinks that aggravate GERD include spicy foods, acid based foods, greasy foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Before you bite into that pizza or fried chicken, think about how you are going to feel a couple of hours from now. Before you drink those beers, followed by that cup of coffee, think about the last time you did that and were up all night. If you are suicidal and enjoy great pain, drink that big glass or orange juice on an empty stomach. Sometimes changing your diet can be the key in controlling acid reflux.
Natural Cure for Acid Reflux Using Fennel Seeds
Fennel Seed is an aromatic but powerful herb that helps in digestive conditions and has many other benefits. Fennel seeds contain a compound known as Anethole, which is known to suppress spasms of the stomach or gastrointestinal tract spasms. Therefore, it is considered to be an effective remedy for Acid Reflux.
Many people mistakenly think that acid reflux, or GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), is caused by the production of to much stomach acid. While stomach acid is the main cause of the symptoms experienced the reason it gets back into the esophagus is the failure of 3 specific points in the esophagus; the anti-reflux barrier, the lower esophageal sphincter, and the gastroesophageal valve.
Lose Weight Now-All of us are well aware of the health hazards of being overweight but we keep putting it off for another day though we know that it can make us prone to diabetes, heart disease and a host of other diseases.
Make a juice using raw potatoes. Wash the potato very well do not peel it, just place it in the juicer, mix it with some other juice for taste and drink immediately after juicing.
Always sleep on your left side, so stomach acids do not drain into your stomach. Start taking good nice digestive enzymes to break down that is stuck to your small intestine. So simply stop all meds- try to eat small healthy meal , no alcohol, coffee or citrus, exercise and find a homeopathic procedure that might help you out.