Toothache is one ailment that can make your life miserable. The intense and unbearable pain won’t let you sleep, eat, drink or even draw in cold air through the mouth because of your tender tooth! Generally, toothache is caused when tooth decay invades or is about to infect the pulp chamber, which contains nerve endings and tiny blood vessels.
Home Remedies For Toothache
Toothache relief using Onion
Latest research has confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum. This is the best home remedies for toothache.
Peel and crush a clove of fresh garlic and mix it with peanut butter. Apply it to the aching tooth and keep it there for some time.
Add some lime juice to asafetida (hing) powder. Soak a piece of cotton and hold it on the tooth and gum.
Take a “shot” to numb the pain. Hold a swig of whiskey over the painful tooth, says Dr. Corn. Your gums will absorb some of the alcohol and that will numb the pain. Spit out the rest.This is the best home remedies for toothache.
Rinse with salty water. After each meal and at bedtime, stir 1 teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of water (again, at body temperature), says Dr. Corn. Hold each mouthful, roll it around your mouth. Spit.
Clove, Caryophyllus aromaticus, is an evergreen tree, native to the Spice Islands and the Philippines, but also grows in other tropical areas. The medicinal part of the clove is the dried flower bud. Clove oil will stop the pain of toothache most effectively.
Raw plantain leaves, crushed with salt rubbed on to them will, also help stop a toothache. In Oriental medicine, a concoction of roasted eggplant and salt, called Dentie, is widely used for toothaches.
Halls Cough Drops has a small amount of anestetic in it. Pop two in your mouth and let them disolve.This is the best home remedies for toothache.
The juice of wheat grass is an excellent mouthwash for dental decay and cures toothache. It draws out toxins from the gums and checks bacterial growth.
Dental cavity is the most common cause of toothache. Dental cavities are holes in the two outer layers of the tooth called the enamel and the dentin. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel. Certain bacteria in the mouth that convert simple sugars to acid causing dental cavities.
Take carnation nail, apply on the aching tooth and close your teeth.
Chew fresh oregano leaves.
Boil some mint leaves to 1 cup of water, sprinkle some salt, gargle and drink.