Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Here Is Why You Should Massage Your Feet Every Night Before Going To Sleep

It is hard to think that any particular point on the soles of the feet is directly related to the organs of the body, but the Chinese discovered that there are thousands of nerve terminals that connect with different parts of our body and have direct influence on them.
Benefits of massaging your feet before going to sleep
One of the benefits of these foot massages has to do with brain function and the nervous system. This technique directly affects our ability to relax and thus induce sleep.

The hectic life, family problems, stress and so many pressures that we are subjected to daily make when the time comes to "recharge the batteries", we can not completely disconnect from reality and this hinders the quality of sleep, or even worse, don't even allow us to sleep for a few hours.

How else does foot massage benefit us?
Foot massages before going to sleep can help you fall asleep while waiting and then hold it during the hours needed to recover energy without waking up at times, another problem faced by those suffering from insomnia.

But in addition to helping us sleep, which is not a small thing, foot reflexology can also help you with other equally important things.

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • It benefits digestive processes.
  • It is ideal for patients affected by arthritis.
  • Reduces the feeling of fatigue.
  • Distinguish and relax the body.
  • Relieves the feeling of tired legs.
  • Relieves pressure on the neck and neck.
  • Fight stress.
  • It helps relieve muscle contractures and strains.

Restless and hyperactive children?
Not every day we can have a therapist specialized in reflexology to receive this relaxing massage, but we can do it ourselves or even apply it to our children, in case we notice them tense, restless and nervous.

Try the technique this way:

  • Relax the mind and try to put it "blank." Start by pressing the toes starting with the big toe in the fleshy part and then continue in this same way finger by finger.
  • Start again from the big toe by pressing on the base of the finger and continue one by one.
  • With the thumb, press gently from the big toe to the heel and then in the opposite direction, guiding you along the inside edge of the foot.
  • With your thumb, place the center on the sole of the foot and press at this point for 30 seconds, then release and repeat the pressure three more times.

It is important to repeat these massages daily so that you notice the changes as soon as possible so that you can sleep well and wake up better.

Use some essential oil of your liking to favor the massage and relax with the fresh aroma.

This is a simple practice that will take you a few minutes that ultimately implies an investment in your well-being.

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