Friday, August 23, 2019

Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs A Day. I Would Have Never Believed no. 3… awesome!

The healthy properties of eggs have often been questioned. So many slanders we find from time to time about this with this unique food in its content!

Bright Side gathered the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the body. It turns out that it is best to eat 2-3 eggs a day .
The choline protects your brain

Phospholipids that guarantee the normal communication of brain cells, consist of choline. It is clinically proven that this vitamin is an important building material for the brain. By consuming 2 eggs, the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients daily. Choline deficiency leads to memory loss.

Your vision remains in good condition thanks to lutein

New research showed that eggs contain large amounts of lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision. In case of its deficiency, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and vision deteriorates irreversibly.

Vitamin D helps calcium be absorbed

If you offer a person the option of taking a tablespoon of cod liver oil or eating a hard-boiled egg, he would surely prefer the latter option. Above all, if you discover that the content of vitamin D is the same in both cases. On the other hand, the scientists made the decision of the possibility of increasing the amount of vitamin in eggs by feeding the hens with special additives. Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed and strengthens bones and teeth.

Vitamin B protect the skin, hair and liver

Biotin, vitamin B12, as well as protein, help strengthen hair and improve skin condition. The phospholipids found in eggs help eliminate toxins from the liver.

Reduces risk of developing heart disease

Contrary to previous opinions, according to the most recent research , egg cholesterol is balanced with phosphatides, therefore, it is not bad for humans. Stops the production of cholesterol in the body. Eggs also contain Omega-3 acids that reduce the level of triglycerides, which helps decrease the risk of heart disease.

Lose weight Slowly 
American scientists concluded that by combining a low calorie diet with the consumption of eggs at breakfast, people lose weight 2 times faster. This breakfast satisfies for a long time, which allows to reduce the amount of food consumed during the day.

Reduces  cancer risk 

The choline our brain needs also reduces the likelihood of having cancer. According to research , in women who consumed eggs daily at teenage age, the risk of breast cancer was reduced by 18%.

Useful in family planning

The vitamins of group B also participate in the formation of reproductive hormones. Vitamin B9 has another name: folic acid. With its help red blood cells are produced, the fetal neural tube is formed and the risk of delayed mental development in the child is reduced. Therefore, the B9 essential for women during family planning. An egg contains 7.0 mkg of this vitamin.

Slow down the aging process

According to research by Dutch scientists, 87% of women aged 35 to 40 disappeared pigment spots, the skin became smoother , and in men, small wrinkles around the eyes were visibly smoothed.


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