Saturday, August 31, 2019

If You Headache, You May Lack Vitamins

It is possible that the deficiency of certain vitamins,  may enhance the development of physical problems related to headaches. A physical weakness, due to an unbalanced or even inadequate diet, can be a basic pillar around which to generate a multitude of pathologies. As we know from medical studies, migraines and migraines are quite common ailments in women because they are symptoms, in turn, of numerous diseases. Therefore, taking care of food intake will ultimately result in better health and fewer abnormal manifestations in the form of headaches.

Vitamins that can enhance the appearance of headaches

The case of vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin , is especially paradigmatic. Its main function is the participation both in the synthesis and in the degradation of fats, carbohydrates - especially sugars - and proteins. Vitamin B2, on the other hand, also plays a fundamental role in the effective functioning of the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, skin, blood vessels, eye and central nervous system. Given these functions, having this vitamin in sufficient quantity can help us prevent stress, emotional tension and, by extension, migraines and headaches.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 can also cause the development of diseases such as pernicious anemia among its most common symptoms triggering pain is head . To diagnose any deficiency in this regard we will have to undergo a physical examination by the attending physician, so that he can establish the cause of migraines exactly.

The vegetarians who typically exclude from their diets both dairy products and meats can be especially sensitive to the mentioned problems. It would be advisable, if necessary, to go to a nutritionist so that he could compensate for vitamin deficiencies and alleviate the development of migraines or migraines. We also have vitamin supplements available that, although not suitable for their lack of medical prescription, may temporarily take us out of trouble.

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