Saturday, August 31, 2019

6 Hormones That Cause Overweight In Women And So You Can Avoid Them

Women care a lot about our weight and it happens that although we take care of ourselves a lot and carry out an exercise routine, we still gain weight and don't understand the reason.

It turns out that weight gain can be caused by several hormones that become unbalanced in our body.

Here we tell you what these hormones are and how to avoid them:


The thyroid gland is at the base of our necks. It produces the hormones T3, T4 and calcitonin, which are responsible for maintaining the body's metabolism. Underproduction of these hormones leads to hypothyroidism, which is associated with weight gain due to the accumulation of water in the body and not to fat.

How to avoid it

Eat iodized salt, eat well-cooked food and avoid raw vegetables, take vitamin supplements, and eat foods rich in zinc content, such as oysters and pumpkin seeds.


Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. While we sleep, the body releases growth hormones that help the body heal, improve body composition and build lean muscle.

But if we don't sleep well, this healing process is interrupted, causing stress, and ultimately leading to weight gain induced by inflammation.

How to avoid it

Do not eat late at night or just before bedtime, get enough sleep in a dark and cold room, and turn off all your electronic devices before going to sleep.


Insulin helps transport glucose to cells for use as energy or to store it as fat, thus maintaining blood glucose levels. Excessive consumption of processed foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol or artificially sweetened beverages can lead the body to develop insulin resistance.

So people can develop an increase in blood sugar levels, and this leads to weight gain.

How to avoid it

Eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and seasonal vegetables, to improve your levels of omega-3 fatty acids consume fatty fish, nuts, olive oil, flax seeds, drink at least 4 liters of water every day, and avoid alcohol, nighttime snacks, artificially sweetened beverages


It is considered a male hormone, but it is also secreted by women. It helps burn fat, strengthens bones and muscles and also improves libido.

But, age and high stress can cause a significant decrease in testosterone levels in women, leading to loss of bone density, loss of muscle mass and obesity.

How to avoid it

Train regularly, avoid alcohol, consume protein supplements, include high-fiber foods such as whole grains, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds in your diet.


The level of progesterone and estrogen must be balanced in the body to function properly. Progesterone levels may decrease due to a variety of reasons, such as stress, the use of birth control pills, menopause. This can cause weight gain and depression.

How to avoid it

Exercise regularly and avoid stress.


Estrogen is the main female sex hormone. Any imbalance in estrogen levels in the body can lead to weight gain. High levels of estrogen in the body may be due to the overproduction of the hormone or an estrogen-rich diet.

How to avoid it

Eat whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, exercise regularly and avoid processed meat.


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