Friday, August 23, 2019

How to eliminate milia naturally

Those cysts are forming under the skin when the keratin remains stuck below its surface. Keratin actually is a very strong protein that is found in the tissues of the skin cells, nails and hair. These cysts are large or strange looking , similar to pimples, but it’s easy to identify them.

The milia or milium are those small white or yellow granites that appear on the face, very similar to acne, but that with the naked eye they have no head to be removed by pressing them as if with the pimples or pimples.

Often milia is found on the face, around the eyes, eyelids, lips and cheeks. However, sometimes they can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the torso.

If you have noticed that these white granites are appearing on your face, do not worry, today we bring you excellent homemade and natural treatments to eliminate milia effectively .

Apple cider vinegar to eliminate milia
Apple cider vinegar is astringent and can help reduce the size of the pores of the skin, this makes your pores deeply cleaned and helps you get rid of milia.

You will need to

  • 1 tablespoon apple
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • Cotton balls

What you have to do

Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a tablespoon of water and mix well to dip a cotton ball in it and apply over the entire affected area and wash after 30 minutes. You must do this daily for a few weeks.

Castor oil to get rid of milia
Castor oil has emollient and anti-inflammatory properties, which help fight milia.

You will need to

  • ½ teaspoon castor oil

What you have to do

Clean the affected area with a mild soap and take half a teaspoon of castor oil to apply directly to areas where there is milia, let it act for 30 to 60 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Do this once a day.

Tea tree oil to eliminate milia
Tea tree oil helps dry milia's lesions faster, which speeds up the healing process. This essential oil also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent further infection in the affected area.

You will need to

  • 6 drops of tea tree oil
  • 6 drops of coconut oil

What you have to do

Mix six drops of each tea tree and coconut oil, to apply it to the areas where milia is, but remember that the skin should be clean and free of impurities. Allow it to act for approximately 30 minutes before washing it with warm water. Do this 1 to 2 times a day for faster results.

Coconut oil to combat milia
Given the anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties of coconut oil, it is not surprising that it works incredibly well in the treatment of milia lesions, as it keeps your skin hydrated and reduces inflammation in the affected area.

You will need to

  • Organic coconut oil

What you have to do

Take a little coconut oil on the palms of your hands and apply it to the affected skin, to leave it on for about 30 or 60 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a natural tonic such as rose water. Do this once a day for a week or two.

Sugar scrub to reduce milia
Sugar scrub helps exfoliate your skin, and regular exfoliation helps you get rid of milia cysts that have been harder to remove.

You will need to

  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

What you have to do

Mix two tablespoons of sugar with the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of coconut oil, to apply this mixture in the areas affected by milia and perform a gentle massage for a few seconds. Let it act on the skin for 20 minutes and wash with warm water. You should do this 3 to 4 times a week, only at night and the next day apply sunscreen.

Lemon juice to reduce milia
Lemon juice acts as a natural astringent that helps clean pores and reduce their size, in addition this action of lemon juice, combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, can help dry milias and remove them quickly.

You will need to

  • ½ lemon
  • A pinch of salt (preferably marine)

What you have to do

Extract the juice of half a lemon, add a pinch of salt and apply this mixture in the areas prone to milia of your skin. Leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes and rinse with cold water. Do this once a day only at night and the next day apply sunscreen.

Toothpaste to reduce milia
Toothpaste contains fluoride and sodium bicarbonate, which help dry acne lesions more quickly with its anti-inflammatory properties, these properties also help dry milia cysts and eliminate them.

You will need to

  • Toothpaste

What you have to do

Spread a uniform layer of toothpaste on the affected skin and let it act as long as possible, to wash with cold water and apply sunscreen when going outside. You must do this three times a week.

Honey to eliminate milia
Honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help treat milia lesions and can protect you from additional microbial infections.

You will need to

  • ½ tablespoon honey

What you have to do

Take half a tablespoon of honey on your fingers and apply a uniform layer to the affected areas, let it act for 20 to 30 minutes before washing it with cold water. You must do this once a day for a few weeks.

Sandalwood and rose water to eliminate milia
A mixture of sandalwood and rose water can help eliminate dead skin cells, rejuvenating and reducing milia.

You will need to

  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil
  • 5 drops of rose water

What you have to do

Mix these two ingredients very well and apply this in the areas affected by milia, allowing it to act on the skin for 30 minutes, to finish washing the face with cold water. Do this once a day for about 2 weeks to see the results.

Tips to prevent the appearance of milia

  • Avoid excessive exposure to the sun and every day use sunscreen suitable for your skin type.
  • Avoid using oily creams and oil-based products, or choose the products indicated for your skin type, since a fairly oily skin to which even more fat is added with a cream or cosmetic products, tends to suffer More than milia.
  • Exfoliate your skin 2 to 3 times a week, to remove dead cells and clean pores deeply.
  • Remove the makeup from your face every day and apply some tonic at the end to close the pores and clean them. I recommend using rose water as a tonic , which is wonderful for your skin .
  • Avoid puncturing, hitting or trying to remove the milia with your fingers. In addition many people believe that pricking with a needle and crushing the pimples will eliminate them, but they are not further from reality, since they will only mistreat the skin and this type of techniques is only used by dermatologists.

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