Sunday, September 8, 2019

5 Tips To Improve Poor Circulation

Poor circulation is a problem to which we are all exposed. Good blood flow depends on different factors that greatly influence our blood system; Food, exercise, and even how we handle stress can help us have good circulation.

If you have poor circulation , we recommend that you follow these 5 tips that we will give you to improve it. You will see that it is just a matter of taking care of yourself a little more.

1. Improve your diet
The food is a factor that influences blood process, so, what you eat will be reflected on your system. If you have circulation problems, we recommend that you do not ingest high fat or sugar products such as soda , as these increase the viscosity of the blood , preventing its good circulation. You can try to eat many fruits and vegetables, as these are high in fiber, which relieves blood pressure by improving your circulation.

2. Exercise
The sedentary lifestyle is the worst enemy of circulation; therefore, exercising regularly prevents you from having poor circulation and if you already have it, the improvement. By increasing the heart rate , the arteries dilate, allowing good blood flow, and outside of it, the exercise generates greater force in the pumping of the heart, causing the blood to reach the highest or lowest parts of the body. good way. So take at least 30 minutes a day to hike, run or ride a bike. You will see the difference once you have your routine.

3. Raise your legs 
Generally the legs are the part of the body that is most affected by poor circulation; In the legs, poor circulation occurs at the return of blood , generating fluid retention and pressure problems. To solve this at bedtime, what you can do is put your legs on some cushions and sleep with them, or   raise your legs and lean them against the wall for at least 20 minutes a day. This will help your blood return easily and does not accumulate in your legs or feet.

4. Avoid obesity and tobacco
If you suffer from poor circulation, we advise you to try to take care of your weight , because obesity along with poor circulation can bring several problems such as pressure and high blood pressure. On the other hand, we also recommend that you avoid smoking cigarettes, since their chemical components affect the healthy functioning of the circulation.

5. Cold water baths
Cold water baths have always been recommended when it comes to improving circulation , and especially in the legs. To do this, at the time of showering or before bedtime you can put your legs under cold water and massage them . You will see that you will feel very relieved after this bath, and if you make it routine in your days, you will notice how your circulation begins to improve.

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