Thursday, September 12, 2019

7 Symptoms That May Indicate Iron Deficiency

Iron is an essential mineral for health and its deficiency in the body can cause anemia. The body needs iron to generate hemoglobin, when there is a deficit of this mineral, the body does not get enough oxygen it needs.

This type of iron deficiency anemia is quite common, and many times people can suffer from symptoms without knowing what the cause is. So the symptoms of lack of iron in the body are:

  • Extreme tiredness, frequent sleepiness or discouragement;
  • Difficulty learning or staying alert;
  • Swollen ankles or swelling in other joints;
  • Hair loss or brittle hair;
  • Pale or inner skin of eyelids without color;
  • Lack of appetite, changes in the palate or smooth tongue;
  • Frequent infections because the immune system is usually depressed. 

The lack of iron in the blood can be related to a low iron diet or the loss of large amounts of blood, either through bleeding or heavy bleeding during menstruation, this usually occurs in women who have a myoma uterine, for example.

How to increase the amount of iron in the body

To combat these symptoms, it is recommended to increase the daily consumption of iron-rich foods such as those of animal origin, as well as fruits such as strawberries, raisins and dried apricots. In addition to this, it is also important to consume foods that have iron with foods that are rich in vitamin C such as orange, lemon, papaya, among others, because this vitamin favors the absorption of this mineral at the intestinal level.

Ideally, the individual goes to a nutritionist to be evaluated and to develop a nutritional plan tailored to their individual needs. See also some tips to fight anemia .

However, in any case it is important to perform a blood test to confirm the diagnosis and observe iron levels. If the doctor believes that iron levels are very low in the bloodstream, he may indicate iron supplementation with 1 or 2 tablets for a few months.


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