Thursday, September 12, 2019

13 Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Forever

It is normal and natural for women to accumulate fat in the legs and buttocks, we are genetically programmed for it.

But the approaching spring motivates us to want to be splendid . And with the change of some habits, we can get it.

Therefore, we bring you 13 tricks to fight cellulite in a short time .

1- Drink a lot of water
It is the oldest trick in the world but the truth is that drinking a good amount of water a day has benefits for almost everything. The fight against cellulite is to be well hydrated inside so that we do not accumulate liquids where they should not.

2- Green tea
For that, green tea infusions are also great allies. It increases the basal metabolism and makes us better eliminate all those liquids that should not be stored in our organisms . You can take it very warm or cool it and go sipping throughout the day.

3- Salt and sugar
Salt makes us retain fluids and sugar makes us accumulate fat so getting rid of them should be a priority. I consumed salt in a small amount - better if it is iodized - and avoid foods with hidden salt. Regarding sugar, it should not be added to ready-made foods and try not to take processed foods in which it is hidden.

4- Pineapple
In case you have doubts, this elimination of sugars does not include fruit . Although they have them naturally, that is not bad. In fact, fruits such as pineapple have a diuretic effect, so they are also great allies to fight cellulite .

5- Eat healthy
Healthy eating has become a priority but to be healthy you do not need to invest in supposed “super foods” . The vegetables , the vegetables and above all the vegetables are your best allies to take a proper diet also help you get rid of that orange peel how little you like.

6- Run, swim, dance
It doesn't matter what sport you choose but the key is that it makes you sweat the fat drop. Walking at a good pace is also a good option, the important thing is that it is an activity that motivates you . Do it 3 to 4 times a week between one hour and 45 minutes .

7- Great allies: squats
It is true that it is an exercise that tires but the great result is to achieve hard legs and buttocks . Toning the muscles is essential for cellulite to show the best possible appearance . If you want a plan b,  yoga can be. There are many positions (such as warriors) that help you get stronger without suffering your joints.

8- Cellulite creams
They do not work miracles but they can improve the appearance of conflict zones. Ingredients such as horse chestnut or caffeine are the most effective.

9- Exfoliation
Exfoliate the skin once a week and apply a good moisturizer afterwards , it is one of the simplest and most effective gestures you can do to make your cellulite look improved.

10- Rub
The natural bristle brushes also serve to exfoliate and those of wood , to give good massages in the area that activate the circulation .

11- Draining massages
It is important to have a good leg massage when using an anti-cellulite product. You can do it directly with your hands!

12- Treatments
In the event that you have decided to do some type of treatment to combat cellulite, you should know that the previous steps will continue to be essential to maintain the results . Even so, there is nothing definitive since cellulite formation is something totally natural in the female body. The treatments that work best are drains , carboxytherapy , radiofrequency or cryolipolysis , which involves destroying adipocytes with cold.

13- Comfortable dress
There is a cause-effect relationship between blood circulation problems and cellulite . In fact, very tight pants and garments , in addition to hinder circulation, prevent proper elimination of excess toxins , which favors the appearance of cellulite.

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