Monday, September 2, 2019

Home Remedies To Relieve Toothache

Horror, toothache! It is probably one of the most intense and unbearable pain that human beings can endure. The discomfort is so intense in some cases that it can lead to fainting.

A toothache can be caused by several causes. A caries that affects the nerve, an abscess (infection or inflammation), an earache, sinusitis? We can always turn to painkillers and, first of all, you should never stop going to the dentist. But if you don't want to get stuck in medication, here are a series of home remedies that will help you relieve this annoying pain.

Garlic. Garlic has a large number of beneficial properties for health. Thus, it favors the circulation and elimination of fluids, fights respiratory infections and is a great ally against toothache. It can be mixed with a little fat salt and applied to the area of ​​pain. Chewing a clove of garlic every morning helps keep teeth strong and healthy, although we must use a mouthwash to eliminate the smell.

Onion. Like garlic is another natural antibiotic. Place a piece of onion in the area of ​​the teeth or gums to relieve pain. Chewing an onion for three minutes every day, although not very pleasant, helps protect our mouth from dental diseases.

Salt. If the pain is due to an infection caused by traces of food that have remained between the teeth, the salt can help us because of its high antiseptic power . Mix a small glass of water with a teaspoon of salt, stir and gargle after each meal.

Parsley. This aromatic plant with high iron content has antioxidant properties and helps control high blood pressure. Chewing raw parsley several times a day also helps to alleviate toothache.

Peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial and lightening properties . If a tooth hurts, we can apply hydrogen peroxide with a swab or cotton in the affected area.

Cloves. They have a substance called eugenol that acts as a natural sedative. They can be applied directly to the gum or we can boil them in water and perform a mouthwash .

Black tea It is also useful against toothache because it contains tannic acid , a known soothing. We heat a black tea bag in water and apply it in the area where we notice the inconvenience.

Mint, vanilla or lemon extracts. We can buy them at any herbalist's shop or even make them homemade, although this process can be cumbersome. You have to apply them directly to the painful area.

Mouthwash with whiskey. This or another high-grade alcoholic beverage can also be used to mitigate toothache. The gum absorbs alcohol and numbs the affected area.

Linden oil or apple cider vinegar. Apply with a stick linden essential oil where we notice the pain. This oil is an effective natural soothing. A cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar or gargle also helps.

In any case, remember that these remedies only help reduce discomfort , so you should always go to a specialist to detect the origin of the pain and receive the appropriate treatment.


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