Monday, September 2, 2019

How To Close Open Pores On Your Face

Blackheads can be treated very effectively both at home and in beauty centers, where many clients come to know  how to close open pores . And it is that pollution, the accumulation of dead cells, stress and excess fat makes practically all of us have excessively dilated pores. How can you eliminate them with natural remedies? What treatments do beauty centers offer? Discover how to eliminate them forever.

What are open pores?

The pores help your skin perspire without problems. Also, they have the function of making the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands reach the epidermis, serving as a moisturizer that keeps your skin elastic. So they are something natural that will never disappear. However, sometimes they expand more than the account. Why?

Dilated pores: this is the cause of not closing

Sometimes the pores are more dilated in the account for various reasons: environmental pollution , excess sebum, stress, tobacco, lack of sleep, saunas or steam baths in excess or an accumulation of dead cells. The result is a skin that is not thin and becomes dirty and infected much more easily. This favors in some cases, not always, the appearance of acne.

The age is also a factor to be taken into account when pores have a more than normal. The skin loses elasticity and also no longer regenerates so easily what gives rise to larger pores. In addition, the skin becomes thicker and, therefore, the pores do not close so easily.

Men have more open pores since their skin produces more fat. As for women, dilated pores usually appear during the menstrual cycle, when their hormones are in the process of change. Also, they appear during menopause. By decreasing estrogens and increasing testosterone, more fat and, therefore, more enlarged pores are secreted.

How to close open pores

Beauty routine with natural remedies.

  • Exfoliation : Exfoliate once a week, minimum (as long as your skin is not excessively dry or sensitive). It is best to do it with a gentle scrub that does not irritate your skin. Also, you can do the exfoliation with manual or electric brushes specific to the facial skin.
  • Homemade masks : the mask absorbs sebum and impurities allowing the pores to close again. Clay masks are the most suitable. Use them twice a week, if your skin is not excessively dry.
  • Daily facial cleansing : don't forget about a daily cleansing routine with make-up removers that don't contain too much oily component. Also, you can do a cleaning with soap and water without detergent so that it does not add the skin and so that it does not eliminate excess sebum, since it can create the rebound effect. After cleaning it is advisable to apply a tonic.
  • Hydration: moisturizes your skin well in the morning and at night, even if you have fat. In fact, oily skin is the most likely to have enlarged pores. Using the right products you will have no problem.
  • Take healthy habits : a healthy and balanced diet, rich in vegetables and fruits, eliminate tobacco forever, avoid alcohol, hydrate enough by drinking a lot of water every day and sleeping enough hours can help your pores do not dilate excessively .
  • Camouflage makeup:  to hide them use a makeup that covers and conceals open pores. It is important to use a base before makeup that helps reduce fat and opt for compact makeup instead of liquids that make the pores more dirty.

Aesthetic treatments for open pores

To eliminate the open pores, in addition to these homemade treatments, there are aesthetic treatments in beauty centers such as facial peeling. This procedure serves to renew the superficial layers of the skin quickly, safely and effectively. In addition, there are different types of chemical facial peels , phenol, salicylic acid (for young and oily skin), lactic acid (soft and effective) or glycolic acid (they are quite effective), depending on the person's skin. So it is a treatment suitable for all types of people, also for you.

Open pores are a symptom that your skin needs more care than you thought. Although, reducing the size of the pores is somewhat difficult, with a few beauty routines at home you can get it. And if you need something even more effective, you can choose to go to a beauty center known and recognized in the sector.


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