Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How To Eliminate Smelly Feet

Bad smell in the feet is a very uncomfortable situation and can even be a cause for mockery or something that can cause us embarrassment. Fortunately, there are some solutions to avoid this problem.

Podobromhidrosis , as the bad smell of the feet is medically called , is caused by bacteria that proliferate in the presence of moisture and sweat.

This characteristic is much more common in adolescence due to the feverish hormonal activity, although it can also happen to people with a poor diet, for example high in fat. It can also happen to those who have foot fungus, suffer from metabolic or nervous disorders such as stress or suffer from diabetes.

How to avoid it?

Specialists advise to take into account frequent foot hygiene, using an antibacterial soap to reduce perspiration and reduce the presence of bacteria. It is also important to dry your feet well, since moisture is the environment in which bacteria grow faster.

Other recommendations:

  • Use talcum powder or foot deodorant spray to avoid excessive sweat if you must be with closed shoes most of the day
  • If possible, do not wear the same shoes every day: it is better to let them air and dry well in the window or terrace 
  • Choose cotton, wool, thread or silk socks, which do not contain synthetic fiber

Home Solutions:

There are natural remedies as a good alternative, however, before opting for any of these it is better to consult with your specialist. Here some of those home remedies:

Use baking soda as you would with a talcum powder. You just have to spread a little in your shoes and on your feet to prevent excessive moisture from becoming a bad smell
Soak your feet in a bowl with water and any of these ingredients: black tea, vinegar or salt, keep them submerged for 15 minutes and then dry very well

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