Tuesday, September 10, 2019

7 Home Remedies For Uric Acid

Are you looking for home remedies for uric acid? We share information and some options that you should know.

Uric acid is a substance that our body creates during the digestion of purines, present in many of the foods and beverages we consume. It is composed of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Almost all the uric acid we create travels to the kidneys, from where we get rid of it.

However, there are some reasons why the body produces more uric acid than it can excrete. It is at that time when we begin to get different diseases that can be very harmful to our health. Hyperuricemia, gout and kidney stones are some of them.

But calm! There are many home remedies for uric acid and, if you treat this problem in a timely manner, you can recover your good health very easily.

Drink lots of water

The first thing you should keep in mind is that to improve your health a good base of hydration of your body is essential. Water helps purify your body and eliminate those substances that your body does not need.

We recommend you drink between 2 and 2.5 liters of water per day.

If you are wondering how to achieve this goal, it is very simple. Take your glass or bottle of water wherever you go: to the kitchen, to your room, at your work desk, in the car. Wherever you are, carry water with you.

Honey and lemon

An effective way to lower uric acid is to prepare a juice with lots of honey and lemon. These two natural ingredients have a high alkaline level that favors the expulsion of excess accumulated purines.

Boil a liter of water with the juice of a squeezed lemon and its peel. After fifteen minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat and add two tablespoons of honey.

This drink is very rich and will relieve the discomfort. You can drink it twice a day and you will notice the difference.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is a detoxifier that also has alkaline effects and will produce the same effect as lemon in your body. In addition, one of its components is malic acid, which helps break uric acid.

Add up to three tablespoons of it in the meals you eat throughout the day or prepare a glass of water with two tablespoons.

Starch fibers and carbohydrates

There are many foods that are rich in fiber and that help you reduce excess uric acid. To do this, they absorb it and then allow you to eliminate it.

You can also eat starch carbohydrates, very low in purine. These are rice, potatoes, oats, quinoa, among others.


In addition to being one of the most exquisite fruits you can find in the store or greengrocer in your neighborhood, strawberries are a home remedy for uric acid. Incorporating them into your weekly diet is a very good alternative.

Strawberries have many antioxidant elements, provide vitamin C and flavonoids, which favor the breakdown of the purines you eat with other foods.

They are a natural diuretic that encourages the production of urine in the kidneys. Thus, it helps control your uric acid in excess.

You can eat strawberries in juice, on an empty stomach, with your salads or on any occasion.

Increase diuretic food intake

Some foods are good home remedies for uric acid because they have a huge amount of fluid that helps eliminate excess purine in your body through urine .

We share a list:

  • Vegetables: celery, parsley, spinach, cucumbers, beets, onions.
  • Fruits: apple, orange, melon, watermelon.

In addition, the intake of these foods can help you improve other health conditions, such as high blood pressure.

Avoid these meals

Here is one of the keys to improve your uric acid levels. You must take great care of what you eat and drink every day. Ideally, integrate natural and organic foods into your diet and avoid industrial products.

We recommend avoiding excess foods with a high purine content. These are:

  • red meat
  • Seafood, mussels, sardines, herring, and other fatty fish
  • chicken and turkey meats
  • alcoholic beverages, such as beer
  • sauces and meat extracts

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