Wednesday, September 11, 2019

8 Warning Signs When Your Kidneys In Danger

Each organ of the body has the special and vital function. To get rid of toxins, body fluids need filtration. That's why we have the kidneys! They are responsible for cleaning and detoxification, that is, filtering 10-150 quarts of blood daily. This is essential for

All body functions and healthy blood too.

They are also responsible for excessive fluids or body waste. Whole health is in danger if the kidneys are damaged. For this reason it is good to recognize some of

the signals that the body begins to send in order to the safe damaged kidneys.


This is the most common and usually when the kidneys start not doing the job as they should. Swelling occurs because the body retains excess water. This will swell the face, joints and extremities.

Changes to Urination

The earliest and most common signs are the following:

- Difficulty urinating

- Changes in pressure during the process of urinating

- Urinate dark, less frequent or with small amounts

- pale urine color

- Frequent urination and in large quantities

- Pee with foam

- Many needs to urinate at night

Skin rash
When the garbage is accumulating in the body it manifests in the blood that makes the skin look more dark or stained, which causes rashes and itching. Creams and other cosmetic products can relieve but does not help to get rid of it. It requires medical checks on the kidneys.

Healthy kidneys produce EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that makes red blood cells

more than carrying oxygen where it is needed. If the number of red blood cells is low, fatigue will occur and have an impact on the brain and muscles as well. This is also a sign of severe anemia.

Shortness of breath
The low level of red blood cells cannot supply the body with the necessary level of oxygen, which causes this cells to be connected to the stacked up toxins in the lungs that are causing breathing difficulties.

Bad Breath 
Bad breath and changes in the taste of food can be linked to accumulated trash in the blood and incorrect kidney functions.

Poor concentration and dizziness
Poor oxygen in the brain may not only be a sign of anemia, but as well as kidney failure. It will ruin the focus and concentration, make you light head and dizzy and cause memory problems.

This sign is more then alarming cry for help. Pain in the upper back is another symptom of this condition. Sometimes pain can be a sign of kidney infection, kidney failure or kidney stones.

Never ignore the signs!


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